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Does Your Business Have Any “Cybersecurity Skeletons” in the Closet?”

Let’s dive into a topic that might give you the chills—cybersecurity skeletons in the closet. You may not have old skeletons hidden away in the basement. But there’s a good chance of cybersecurity vulnerabilities lurking in the shadows. Just waiting to wreak havoc.

You can’t fix what you can’t see. It’s time to shine a light on these hidden dangers. So, you can take action to protect your business from potential cyber threats.

Let’s get started uncovering threats that could leave your business in danger. Here are some of the most common cybersecurity issues faced by SMBs.

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Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Strengthening Your Team’s Defence with Essential Cyber Hygiene

As technology continues to advance, so does the need for heightened awareness. As well as proactive measures to safeguard sensitive information.

Cybersecurity can seem like an insurmountable task for everyday people. But it’s not only a job for the IT team. Everyone can play a part in keeping their organization’s data safe. Not to mention their own data.

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. It serves as a timely reminder that there are many ways to safeguard data. Following the basics can make a big difference in how secure your network remains.

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Fake LinkedIn Sales Bots

Learn How to Spot Fake LinkedIn Sales Bots

LinkedIn has become an invaluable platform for professionals. People use it to connect, network, and explore business opportunities. But with its growing popularity have come some red flags. There has been an increase in the presence of fake LinkedIn sales bots.

These bots impersonate real users and attempt to scam unsuspecting individuals. This is one of the many scams on LinkedIn. According to the FBI, fraud on LinkedIn poses a “significant threat” to platform users.

In this blog post, we will delve into the world of fake LinkedIn sales bots. We’ll explore their tactics and provide you with valuable tips. You’ll learn how to spot and protect yourself from these scams. By staying informed and vigilant, you can foster a safer LinkedIn experience.

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6 Reasons Access Management Has Become a Critical Part of Cybersecurity

6 Reasons Access Management Has Become a Critical Part of Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity has become paramount for businesses and individuals alike. Cyber threats abound, and data breaches and malware attacks are costly. Attacks come from all sectors, including the cloud tools you use every day.

The average employee uses 36 cloud-based services daily. Managing access to sensitive data and resources has become crucial. It’s a vital piece to maintaining robust security. One breached account in a business app can lead to significant consequences.

Login credentials are lucrative for hackers. Various online accounts can be a goldmine on the dark web. For example, an email administrator login can fetch between $500 to $140,000.

You need to ensure you’re addressing access management in your cybersecurity strategy. Otherwise, you could suffer serious financial consequences. Not to mention the loss of reputation that comes with a data breach.

We’ll look at six reasons access management has become essential to good data security. It plays a pivotal role in safeguarding valuable assets and ensuring data integrity.

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What is Zero-Click Malware? How Do You Fight It?

In today’s digital landscape, cybersecurity threats continue to evolve. They pose significant risks to individuals and organizations alike. One such threat gaining prominence is zero-click malware. This insidious form of malware requires no user interaction. It can silently compromise devices and networks.

One example of this type of attack happened due to a missed call. That’s right, the victim didn’t even have to answer. This infamous WhatsApp breach occurred in 2019, and a zero-day exploit enabled it. The missed call triggered a spyware injection into a resource in the device’s software.

A more recent threat is a new zero-click hack targeting iOS users. This attack initiates when the user receives a message via iMessage. They don’t even need to interact with the message of the malicious code to execute. That code allows a total device takeover.

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Top 7 Cybersecurity Risks of Remote Work & How to Address Them

Remote work has become increasingly popular in recent times. It provides flexibility and convenience for employees. Additionally, telecommuting reduces office costs for employers. Many also cite productivity benefits due to fewer distractions.

Research shows a 56% reduction in unproductive time when working at home vs. the office.

But there are some drawbacks to working outside the office. It’s crucial to be aware of the cybersecurity risks that come with remote and hybrid work. Keeping an eye on device and network security isn’t as easy. About 63% of businesses have experienced a data breach due to remote employees.

This news doesn’t mean that you must risk security to enjoy remote working. You can strike a balance. Be aware of the cybersecurity concerns and address them to do this.

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7 Advantages of Adopting a Defence-in-Depth Cybersecurity Strategy

Cybersecurity threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated and prevalent. In 2022, ransomware attacks jumped by 93%. The introduction of ChatGPT will only increase the potential damage of cyber-attacks.

Protecting sensitive data and systems requires a comprehensive approach. One that goes beyond a single security solution. This is where a defence-in-depth cybersecurity strategy comes into play.

In this article, we will explore the advantages of adopting a defence-in-depth approach. As well as its benefits for safeguarding your network and mitigating cyber risks.

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Is Your Online Shopping App Invading Your Privacy?

Online shopping has become a common activity for many people. It’s convenient, easy, and allows us to buy items from the comfort of our homes. But with the rise of online shopping, there are concerns about privacy and security.

Not all shopping apps are created equally. Often people get excited and install an app without checking privacy practices. Apps can collect more data from your smartphone than you realize. Whether you use your phone for personal use, business use, or both, your data can be at risk. So can your privacy.

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How to Use Threat Modeling to Reduce Your Cybersecurity Risk

As cyber threats continue to increase, businesses must take proactive steps. They need to protect their sensitive data and assets from cybercriminals. Threats to data security are persistent and they come from many different places.

Today’s offices are digitally sophisticated. Just about every activity relies on some type of technology and data sharing. Hackers can breach these systems from several entry points. This includes computers, smartphones, cloud applications, and network infrastructure.

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Business Email Compromise Jumped 81% Last Year! Learn How to Fight It

In recent years, electronic mail (email for short) has become an essential part of our daily lives. Many people use it for various purposes, including business transactions. With the increasing dependence on digital technology, cybercrime has grown. A significant cyber threat facing businesses today is Business Email Compromise (BEC).

Why is it important to pay particular attention to BEC attacks? Because they’ve been on the rise. BEC attacks jumped 81% in 2022, and as many as 98% of employees fail to report the threat.

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